// // feministasylum.org | EUROPEAN FEMINIST PETITION


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The collection of signatures is completed. The petition will be submitted on 18 May 2022 to the Petitions Committee of the European Parliament in Brussels with 39'063 individual signatures and the official support of 261 organizations from 18 European countries. The petition has also been publicly supported by 104 political, cultural and sports personalities.

Thank you for your participation, together let’s continue to defend a Europe of democracy and solidarity.


Sexual and gender-based violence (including domestic violence, sexual exploitation, forced marriage, genital mutilation, trafficking, discriminatory legislation, repudiation, deprivation of their children) pushes many women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people to flee their countries and seek asylum in Europe.
These people are almost systematically exposed to violence and exploitation along the migration route: sexual violence by smugglers or in refugee camps, sexual exploitation or forced labour and confinement in trafficking networks in transit countries, including in European countries, threats, trauma and danger to their children.

When they arrive in Europe, inadequate asylum procedures and an unworthy reception await them. Asylum procedures fail to identify victims of gender-based violence or trafficking, accommodation facilities are inadequate, support measures are lacking. And their specific grounds for asylum are often not recognised, despite the principles set out in several EU directives and the provisions of the Istanbul Convention which recognises gender-based violence against women as a form of persecution giving rise to international protection.

We, the people of Europe and the world, call on the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Council and the national governments of the Schengen area to:

1 Guarantee the right to international protection through the effective recognition of any specific asylum grounds for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people.
We ask that such recognition be guaranteed to any victim of gender based violence, woman, girl or LGBTIQA+ person, by integrating the particular needs of these persons, and those of the children who accompany them if necessary, at all stages of the asylum procedure and reception.

Such a guarantee includes systematic access to structures for identifying and supporting victims of trafficking and violence based on gender and non-heterosexual sexual orientation and the establishment of appropriate conditions for examining asylum applications.

The presence of female social workers, interpreters, health care staff, psychologists and lawyers who are LGBTIQA+ sensitive in accommodation and reception centres should be ensured. The detention of women and their accompanying children, girls and LGBTIQA+ people in exile must be outlawed. The Dublin Regulation must not apply to vulnerable people: the application of the sovereignty clause for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people must be automatic.

We demand that the necessary means to put in place adequate procedures and structures for the effective recognition of the specific asylum grounds of women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people be deployed by the European Commission and national governments.

2 Establish a European Monitoring Body to ensure the effective implementation of articles 60 and 61 of the Istanbul Convention and articles 10 to 16 of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.
Article 60 of the Istanbul Convention formally establishes the obligation of signatory states to recognise the right to international protection for victims of gender-based violence against women and calls for gender-sensitive reception and asylum procedures and support services. It is important to ensure that national legislation is in place in line with this Convention and to guarantee its effective implementation in all signatory countries. Similarly the principle of non-refoulement reaffirmed in article 61 of the Istanbul Convention must be strictly adhered to and effectively monitored to prevent the return of LGBTIQA+ women, girls and persons to countries where they are at risk of facing such violence again.

Furthermore, compliance with the Convention on Action against Human Trafficking (articles 10-16 in particular) is essential to ensure access to fair and effective asylum procedures, access to assistance and protection and compensation for victims of trafficking.

We call for the effective implementation of the Istanbul Convention and the Convention on Action against Human Trafficking so that victims of gender-based violence are recognised, supported and afforded international protection.

3 Ensure access to asylum in European countries for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people.
The project of a new European pact on migration and asylum presented in September 2020 by the European Commission aims above all to limit access to Europe. We denounce this pact which defends the interests of the EU and not the rights of migrants who need protection. A tougher border regime, accelerated procedures and filtering at the external borders of Europe, the unloading of the duty of reception and asylum procedures on non-EU countries such as Turkey and facilitated deportations are the backbone of this new unacceptable pact.

While the impossibility to file asylum applications in the embassies of European countries has turned the Mediterranean into a giant graveyard, accelerated border procedures expedite the examination of applications and do not allow for the specific asylum grounds and vulnerabilities of women and accompanying children, girls and LGBTIQA+ people.

We call for facilitated legal avenues for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people to apply for asylum in Europe.

Who are we?

We are a group of activists and associations fighting alongside asylum seekers in Europe. Through our daily struggle, we see the multiple forms of violence experienced by women and LGBTIQA+ people who come to Europe in search of refuge. Following the feminist demonstration ”Toutes aux frontiers” (All women to the borders), which took place in Nice on 5 June 2021, we join forces: repression occurs at the European level, as does our resistance.

Members of the European Parliament who support our petition

Diana Riber i Gener

Diana Riba I ­Giner

Member of the European Parliament
Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance
Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya
Member of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
Member of the Committee on Culture and Education

Violence and discrimination surround the situation of women, girls and LGTBIQ+ people who flee their countries and seek refuge in Europe. It is necessary for the Member States to apply the international and European norms in matters of international protection and humanitarian legislation. And it is essential that these norms are applied with a gender perspective, since in many cases, women and girls are in very precarious situations and it is difficult to bear witness to the violence they have suffered. That is why it is so important and I give all my support to the Feminist Asylum campaign, so that the rights of migrant women, girls and LGBTIQ+ people in Europe are guaranteed.

Miguel Urban

Miguel Urbán Crespo

Member of the European Parliament
The Left group in the European Parliament
Member of the Subcommittee on Human Rights
Member of the committee on development
Substitute Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs LIBE

We have signed the Feminist Asylum manifesto to demand a true asylum policy that takes on the situation of women, girls and LGBTQ people. We defend a European migration policy that takes into account the gender perspective because not doing it leaves aside the consequences imposed by the patriarchal system. A feminist awareness in asylum and migration means keeping in mind why women migrate, how they do it and under what conditions. A true feminist perspective must denounce the intrinsic sexism of migration policies. Otherwise, it’s useless.

Diana Riba i ­Gener

Malin Björk

Member of the European Parliament
The Left group in the European Parliament
The spokesperson for the Swedish Left Party on LGBTI issues
Member of the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee 2014-2019
Co-founders of the pro-choice network All of Us. Member of the LIBE Committee
Parliament’s rapporteur on the Union Resettlement Framework
Substitute Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs LIBE

The European feminist petition for an effective recognition of the specific grounds for asylum for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people is a massive cry for justice from the European human rights grassroots. We, the politicians of Europe cannot ignore or tolerate the discrimination, violence and terror that is inflicted on women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people coming to the EU borders. All too many of them have suffered violations of unimaginable horror. We stand with them today, and with the Feminist Asylum and all the signatories of this petition, to call on all of the EU to ensure a safe haven for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people in our countries.

Personalities who publicly supported the petition through an appeal Appeal to European civil society and political authorities

We do not close our eyes

The tragedies that are taking place in the Mediterranean and on our borders cannot remain unanswered. These dramas reveal the flaws in European asylum policy.

During their flight to safety, women, girls and lgbtiqa+ people are particularly exposed. In order to ensure that sexual and gender-based violence suffered in countries of origin or on the routes of exile is taken into account in asylum policy, we are signatories to the request launched by the Feminist Asylum coalition.

We call on the European political authorities and the governments of the Schengen area to build a Europe without repression, without deaths, without violence. All signed conventions, including the Istanbul Convention, must be applied to migrant women in accordance with the commitments made! We invite civil society to enlarge the circle of signatories of the petition: www.feministasylum.org Quickly!

The silence of the dead is unbearable

Clara Bünger - Member of the German Bundestag
Adam Broomberg - Artist
Andrej Hunko - Member of the German Bundestag, Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Madeleine Mawamba - President of Women in Exile and Friends
Cornelia Möhring - Member of the German Bundestag
Heidi Reichinnek - Member of the German Bundestag

Mamadou Bah - Social worker, activist
Eva Betavatzi - Architect, CDATM activist
Saskia Bricmont - Member of the European Parliament
Denis Desbonnet - Journalist
Pierre Galand - Former Belgian Senator, President of OMCT-Europe (World Organisation Against Torture)
Michel Herman - Editor of the website «Ander Europa»
Renée Kammer - Artist, classical dance teacher, choreographer
Philippe Lamberts - Member of the European Parliament
David Murgia - Theatre and film actor
Riccardo Petrella - Professor Emeritus of the Catholic University of Louvain
Phoebe Zoé Maria Sanchez - University of the Philippines Cebu-Visiting professor at CriDIS, Catholic University of Louvain
Daniel Tanuro - Ecosocialist writer
Yannis Thanassekos - Scientific collaborator at the Institute of Sociology of the Free University of Brussels-former director of the Auschwitz Foundation
Eric Toussaint - Spokesman for the CADTM international network www.cadtm.org

Tijana Okic - Philosopher

Jose Maria Gonzales (Kichi) - Cadiz Mayor
Fatima Martin - Journalist, promoter of the digital media “FemeninoRural.com”
Teresa Rodriguez - Deputy in the Andalusian Parliament
Miguel Urban - European Deputy

Gilbert Achcar - SOAS University of London
Ariane Ascaride - Actress
Claude Calame - Director of Studies Emeritus, EHESS
Marie-Laure Coulmin Koutsaftis - Translator and activist CADTM
Penelope Duggan - Editor International Viewpoint
Didier Epsztajn - Host of the blog “between lines between words”
Susan George - Political scientist, writer, anti-globalisation activist and honorary president of Attac
Robert Guédiguian - Filmmaker
Jacqueline Heinen - Professor Emeritus, UVSQ Paris-Saclay
Souad Labizze - Poetess
Michael Loewy - Director of research emeritus at the CNRS
Jan Malewski - Journalist
Valérie Manteau - Writer, Renaudot Prize
Gustave Massiah - IPAM Network, Initiatives For Another World
Philippe Poutou - Presidential candidate
Florence Poznanski - National Executive Secretary of the Left Party
Catherine Samary - Economist, writer, collaborator of Le Monde Diplomatique, member of the scientific council of Attac
Mariana Sanchez - National Union of Journalists CGT
Anne-Françoise Schmid - Philosopher
Patrick Silberstein - Doctor and editor
Eleni Varikas - Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris 8
Béatrice Whitaker - Anti-globalization activist member of the ATTAC migration committee

Eva Alexaki - Trade unionist of housekeepers of the Ministry of Finance
Sofia Bekatorou - Double Olympic medallist (gold and bronze), initiator of the #Metoo in Greece
Anastasia Christodoulopoulou - Former Minister of Immigration, former Vice-President of the Greek Parliament
Sianou Fotini - Activist for peace, non-violence and women’s human rights
Giorgos Galanis - Economist, academic, Goldsmiths, University of London

Alexakis Giannis - Visual artist, animator
Elias Ioakeimoglou - Economic Analyst
Angelique Kourounis - Director and journalist
Moïse Litsis - Journalist
Marios Lolos - Photojournalist
Spyros Marchetos - Academic, writer
Giorgios Mitralias - Journalist
Louiza Mizan - Translator
Georgios Mpantis - Football player
Vassilis Papadopoulos - President of Greek Council for Refugees
Elena Psarrea - Ancienne députée de Grèce
Niki Roubani - President of the Board of the European Network of Women
Riki Van Boeschoten - Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology University of Thessaly
Nena Venetsanou - Singer, author, composer
Tasoula Verviniotis - Historian
Stavroula Zygouri - Olympic Wrestling Champion, Ambassador for Peace and Education of the International Centre of the Olympic Treve

Mick Barry - TD member of parliament
Collins Joan - TD member of parliament
Murphy Paul - TD member of parliament
Thomas Pringle - TD member of parliament

Silvia Federici - Writer, activist, academic
Gigi Malabarba - Former deputy
Cristina Quintavalla - CADTM Italy, professor of philosophy

Justin Turpel - Former deputy

Ingeborg Beugel - Journalist, programmer, writer
Willem Bos - Grenzeloos Editor

Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski - Writer
Stefan Zgliczyński - Director of the Polish edition of “Le Monde Diplomatique”

Leonor Areal - Filmmaker
Antonio Pedro Dores - University Professor, Researcher at the Centre for Research and Sociological Studies, CIES
Rachel Freire - Writer, filmmaker
José Gusmao - Eurodeputy
Marisa Matias - Eurodeputy
Rui Viana Pereira - Sound designer
Alda Sousa - Former MEP

Mocnik Rastko - Sociologist

Alexandre Duchêne - Professor of Sociolinguistics at the University of Fribourg
Yvonne Feri - Member of National Parliament, Directress of FERI Mit-Wirkiung, President of the Swiss Child Protection Foundation
Ruth Gaby Vermot - Anthropologist, former member of the Swiss Parliament and the Council of Europe
Denise Graf - Lawyer and former refugee coordinator of Amnesty International’s Swiss section
Charles Heller - Research Associate, Graduate Institute Geneva. Co-president of Migreurop network and co-director of Border Forensics
Lisa Mazzone - Member of Council of States
Rina Nissim - Naturopath, author
Isabelle Pilloud - Visual artist
Stefanie Prezioso - National Councillor
Elise Shubs - Filmmaker
Jean Ziegler - Member of the Advisory Committee of the United Nations Human Rights Council

Canan Arin - International Award-winning Lawyer
Halime Güner - Founder and President, Flying Broom International Women’s Film Festival
Tilbe Saran - Multi-Award-Winning Theatre and Film Actress
Pinar Selek - Writer

The following organisations support us:

CADTM, Comité pour l'abolition des dettes illégitimes
European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights e.V.
Fédération Internationale des Droits de l'Homme
Forum Civique européen
Marche mondiale des Femmes
Migration-Control Project
Parti de la Gauche Européenne Europe
Yeni Kadin




Basque Country

Asamblea de Mujeres de Bizkaia-Bizkiako Emakumeen Asanblada

Asiciacion Emakume Migratu Feministak-Sociosanitarias

Bagera, nous sommes

Bidez Bide Elkartea

EH Feministak Nika

EHko Bilgune Feminista


ESK Sindikatua

Euskal Herriko Emakume Migratu eta Arrazializaturen Sarea

Euskal Herriko Emakumeen Mundu Marcha

Euskal Herriko Mugimendu feminista


Marimatraka Santurtziko talde feminista

Martxanterak talde feminista

Mugarik Gabe ONGD


Portugaleteko Mugimendu Feminista

Sindicato LAB de Euskal Herria

SMH-Aita Mari (Salvamento Marítimo Humanitario)



CADTM - Comité pour l'abolition des dettes illégitimes

Campagne ROSA

Centre d’Action Laïque

Centre national de coopération au développement (CNCD)

Chaska asbl

CIRÉ - Coordination et Initiatives pour Réfugiés et Étrangers

Collecti.e.f 8 maars

Comité des femmes sans-papiers

Comité international péruvien

Fem&L.A.W. Women's rights watch

Feminisme Yeah

Femmes Prévoyantes Socialistes

Groupe pour l’Abolition des Mutilations Sexuelles féminines (GAMS Belgique)

Le Monde selon les femmes asbl

Ligue des droits humains Belgique

Ligue des travailleuses domestiques

Marche mondiale des Femmes


Vie Féminine


Queer Cyprus Association


Free Movement Network



Alda-Lesbiennes Réfugiées Toulouse


APIAF Toulouse

Association Caram'elles

Association de Solidarité avec les Travailleuses et travailleurs immigré.es (ASTI) des Ulis, Bures et Orsay

Association pour la Démocratie à Nice

ATTAC France

ATTAC Toulouse

Avocats Sans Frontières France

BAGDAM Espace Lesbien Toulouse

Centre Evolutif Lilith (CEL) de Marseille

Centre LGBTQIA 06

Cercle Louis Guilloux

CGT Education 06



Collectif AGIR

Collectif Droits des Femmes 06



FASTI (Fédération des Associations de Solidarité avec Tou-te-s les Immigré-e-s)

Féministes révolutionnaires Nantes

France Amérique Latine, commission Féministes et Genres



Groupe Accueil et solidarités


KARAVAN Toulouse

LaisseBien TaGaiete

Lesbiennes Dépassent Les Frontières

Ligue des Droits de l'Homme

Marche mondiale des Femmes

Marche Mondiale des Femmes Occitanie


Nice au cœur

#Nous Toutes 06

Planning Familial

Qx1 Welcome Map

Refugee Women's Centre


Roya Citoyenne

She'lter, Terres à elles

Solidaires 06 - confédération syndicale



Sublimes Portes, Traversées artistiques en Méditerranée

UJPP Union Juive Française pour la paix

UNEF Toulouse

Union syndicale Solidaires


Arbeiterwohlfahrt Landesverband Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.

ATTAC Germany

Bavarian Refugee Council (Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat)

Berliner Netzwerk für besonders schutzbedürftige geflüchtete Menschen (BNS)

Bundesfachverband unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtinge

CENÎ - Kurdisches Frauenbüro für Frieden e.V.

FIM – Frauenrecht ist Menschenrecht e.V.

Flüchtlingsrat Baden-Württemberg

Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg

Flüchtlingsrat Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.

Flüchtlingsrat NRW Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.

Flüchtlingsrat RLP

Frauenhauskoordinierung e.V. /Association of Women's Shelters

Fraueninformationszentrum Stuttgart

Freundeskreis Asyl Karlsruhe e.V.

Hessischer Flüchtlingsrat (Refugee Coucil of Hesse) e.V.

JUMEN e.V. - Juristische Menschenrechtsarbeit in Deutschland

JUNO - eine Stimme für geflüchtete Frauen/JUNO - a voice for refugee women

KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.

Network against Trafficking in Human Beings (KOK e.V.)

NETZ für Selbstverwaltung und Selbstorganisation e.V.

Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge und Migrant_innen (KuB)


Pro Bleiberecht Rostock

Queer refugees support Hamburg

Refugee Council of Lower Saxony /Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen e.V.

Refugee council Saxony-Anhalt /Flüchtlingsrat Sachsen – Anhalt e.V.

Republikanischer Anwältinnen- und Anwälteverein e. V.

Sächsischer Flüchtlingsrat e.V. / Saxon Refugee Council


Terre des femmes – Menschenrechte für die Frau e.V.

Vereinigung Demokratischer Juristinnen und Juristen e.V. (VDJ)

Women in Exile and Friends, Brandenburg

XENION Psychosoziale Hilfen für politisch Verfolgte e.V.

Germany and Greece

Equal Rights Beyond Borders




Κέντρο Γυναικείων Μελετών και Ερευνών ‘Διοτίμα’ - Centre for Research on Women’s Issues ‘Diotima’

Κέντρο Έρευνας και Δράσης για

την Ειρήνη (ΚΕΔΕ) - Center of Research and Action for Peace (KEDE)

Ομάδα γυναικών του συλλόγου κοινωνικής και Πολιτιστικής Παρέμβασης "θρυαλλίδα" - Women Group of the Association of Social and Cultural Intervention "Thryallida"

Ομάδα ΛΟΑΤΚΙ+ Εργασιακής Υποστήριξης -— LGBTQI+ Employment Support Group

Ελληνικό Φόρουμ Μεταναστών- Greek Forum of Migrants

Ελληνικό Παρατηρητήριο των Συμφωνιών του Ελσίνκι- Greek Helsinki Monitor

Ελληνικό Συμβούλιο για τους Πρόσφυγες/Greek Council For Refugees

Δίκτυο για τα Πολιτικά και Κοινωνικά

Δικαιώματα- Network for Political and Social Rights

Ελληνικό Δίκτυο Κοινωνικής Υποστήριξης Προσφύγων και Μεταναστών- Network of Social Support for Refugees and Migrants

Φεστιβάλ Υπερηφάνειας Θεσσαλονίκης

Thessaloniki Pride Festival

Δίκτυο Οργάνωση Γυναικών Ευρώπης- Réseau des femmes grecques d'Europe

Samos LGBTQI+ Group, Samos Volunteers and Samos Advocacy

Οργάνωση Ενωμένων Γυναικών Αφρικής- United African Women Organization Greece

ΠΡΩΤΟΒΟΥΛΊΑ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΩΝ ΕΝΑΝΤΙΑ ΣΤΟ ΧΡΕΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΑ ΜΕΤΡΑ ΛΙΤΌΤΗΤΑΣ - ΧΩΡΟΣ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΩΝ - Women’s initiative against debt and austerity measures - Women’s solidarity venue

Σωματείο Γυναικείων Δικαιωμάτων «ΤΟ ΜΩΒ» "TO MOV" Women's Rights Association

Τομέας Ισότητας Φύλου & ΛΟΑΤΚΙ+ του Πολιτικού Κόμματος ΜέΡΑ25 - Secteur égalité de genre et LGBTQ+ du parti politique MERA 25

ΜΗΤΕΡΑΣ ΕΡΓΟΝ Σύλλογος Πολύτεκνων Μητέρων- Mother’s Work, Association of Multi-Children Families


ARCI Associazione di Promozione Sociale Roma

Association "Popoli in Arte" Sanremo

Associazione Albatros Laboratorio teatrale e Centro di Solidarietà - Alba (Cuneo)

ATTAC Imperia

Campagna LasciateCIEntrare

Casa delle Donne di Milano (Women's house of Milan)

Casa delle Donne Parma

Cisda (Cordinamento Italiano Sostegno Donne Afgane Onlus)

Cooperativa Giolli, Montechiarugolo (Parma) - Centro di Ricerche Teatro dell'Oppresso

Fucsia Teatro, IAM Intersectionalities and more - Bologna

Fuorimercato, autogestione in movimento

Il Deposito dei Segni - Pescara

La bottega del Barbieri, Imola, Bologna

Laboratorio Politico per un'altra città, Firenze

Libera Università delle Donne, Milano

NUDM La Spezia

NUDM Modena

NUDM Ponente Ligure

Re.Co.Sol (Reti Comuni Solidali), Chiaro Sasso

Réseau Sanremo Solidale Sanremo

Italy and Bosnia

Linea D'Ombra


Center Against Human Trafficking and Exploitation



Gambe - GRUPO de APOIO as mulheres no exterior

SAP Grenzeloos


Fondation Kazimierz Lyszczynski


A Coletiva



Kifkif, Migraciones y Refugio LGTBI+

Ca la Dona

Refugees Welcome España

Viento Sur



ADF Neuchâtel



Appartenances Genève


Association de médiatrices interculturelles (AMIC)

Association Découvrir

Association du Témoignage Chrétien


ATTAC Suisse

Be-Hôme Neuchâtel

Brava (anc. Terre des Femmes)


Caritas Genève

Carrefour Orientation Solidarité

CEFAM, centre d'accueil et d'intégration pour femmes migrantes et leurs enfants habitant Meyrin

Centre social protestant Genève

Commission fédérative Femmes SSP/VPOD

Commission femmes de l’Union syndicale suisse

Coordination asile.ge

DAO Dachorganisation der Frauenhäuser Schweiz und Liechtenstein

Droit de Rester VD, NE et FR


Ensemble à gauche

Femmes socialistes suisses

FIZ Centre d’assistance aux migrantes et aux victimes de la traite des femmes

Freiplatzaktion Basel - legal counseling center for refugees

Grève féministe suisse

Interaction en Suisse

Juristes démocrates de Suisse

L’AMAR – Lieu Autogéré Multiculturel d’Accueil et de Rencontres /Neuchâtel

La Roseraie

Le deuxième Observatoire


Les Scribes

Ligue des Droits de l'Homme

Marche mondiale des Femmes

Médecins du Monde

Schweizerische Beobachtungsstelle für Asyl- und Ausländerrecht (SBAA)
Observatoire suisse du droit d'asile et des étrangers (ODAE-Suisse)

Plateforme Traite



Rainbow Spot - Permanence LGBTIQ+ Asile-Migration (Vaud)


Résistons Genève

SAO Association for displaced women

Sexuelle Gesundheit Schweiz-Santé sexuelle Suisse

Solidarité avec les Femmes Tamils

Solidarité Femmes région Neuchâtel

Solidarité sans frontières

Solidarité Tattes

SolidaritéS CH

Solinetz Luzern

SOS Asile Vaud

Transgender Network Switzerland




Vivre Ensemble


AĞ-DA Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Dayanışma Ağı

Antalya Kadın Danışma Merkezi ve Dayanışma Derneği

Aramızda Gender Studies Association

Cinsel Şiddetle Mücadele Derneği / Association for Struggle Against Sexual Violence

Dünya Kadın Yürüyüşü Türkiye Koordinasyonu

Eşitlik İçin Kadın Platformu (EŞİK)

Göç İzleme Derneği

Kadın Gözüyle

KAOS Gay Lesbien Association

SES Eşitlik ve Dayanışma Derneği


Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Rights



CADTM, Comité pour l'abolition des dettes illégitimes

European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights

European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights e.V.

Fédération Internationale des Droits de l'Homme

Forum Civique Européen

Marche mondiale des Femmes

Migration-Control Project


Parti de la Gauche Européenne

Yeni Kadin




Basque Country

Asamblea de Mujeres de Bizkaia-Bizkiako Emakumeen Asanblada

Asiciacion Emakume Migratu Feministak-Sociosanitarias

Bagera, nous sommes

Bidez Bide Elkartea

EH Feministak Nika

EHko Bilgune Feminista


ESK Sindikatua

Euskal Herriko Emakume Migratu eta Arrazializaturen Sarea

Euskal Herriko Emakumeen Mundu Marcha

Euskal Herriko Mugimendu feminista


Marimatraka Santurtziko talde feminista

Martxanterak talde feminista

Mugarik Gabe ONGD


Portugaleteko Mugimendu Feminista

Sindicato LAB de Euskal Herria

SMH-Aita Mari (Salvamento Marítimo Humanitario)



CADTM - Comité pour l'abolition des dettes illégitimes

Campagne ROSA

Centre d’Action Laïque

Centre national de coopération au développement (CNCD)

Chaska asbl

CIRÉ - Coordination et Initiatives pour Réfugiés et Étrangers

Collecti.e.f 8 maars

Comité des femmes sans-papiers

Comité international péruvien

Fem&L.A.W. Women's rights watch

Feminisme Yeah

Femmes Prévoyantes Socialistes

Groupe pour l’Abolition des Mutilations Sexuelles féminines (GAMS Belgique)

Le Monde selon les femmes asbl

Ligue des droits humains Belgique

Ligue des travailleuses domestiques

Marche mondiale des Femmes


Vie Féminine


Queer Cyprus Association


Free Movement Network



Alda-Lesbiennes Réfugiées Toulouse


APIAF Toulouse

Association Caram'elles

Association de Solidarité avec les Travailleuses et travailleurs immigré.es (ASTI) des Ulis, Bures et Orsay

Association pour la Démocratie à Nice

ATTAC France

ATTAC Toulouse

Avocats Sans Frontières France

BAGDAM Espace Lesbien Toulouse

Centre Evolutif Lilith (CEL) de Marseille

Centre LGBTQIA 06

Cercle Louis Guilloux

CGT Education 06



Collectif AGIR

Collectif Droits des Femmes 06



FASTI (Fédération des Associations de Solidarité avec Tou-te-s les Immigré-e-s)

Féministes révolutionnaires Nantes

France Amérique Latine, commission Féministes et Genres



Groupe Accueil et solidarités


KARAVAN Toulouse

LaisseBien TaGaiete

Lesbiennes Dépassent Les Frontières

Ligue des Droits de l'Homme

Marche mondiale des Femmes

Marche Mondiale des Femmes Occitanie


Nice au cœur

#Nous Toutes 06

Planning Familial

Qx1 Welcome Map

Refugee Women's Centre


Roya Citoyenne

She'lter, Terres à elles

Solidaires 06 - confédération syndicale



Sublimes Portes, Traversées artistiques en Méditerranée

UJPP Union Juive Française pour la paix

UNEF Toulouse

Union syndicale Solidaires


Arbeiterwohlfahrt Landesverband Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.

ATTAC Germany

Bavarian Refugee Council (Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat)

Berliner Netzwerk für besonders schutzbedürftige geflüchtete Menschen (BNS)

Bundesfachverband unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtinge

CENÎ - Kurdisches Frauenbüro für Frieden e.V.

FIM – Frauenrecht ist Menschenrecht e.V.

Flüchtlingsrat Baden-Württemberg

Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg

Flüchtlingsrat Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.

Flüchtlingsrat NRW Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.

Flüchtlingsrat RLP

Frauenhauskoordinierung e.V. /Association of Women's Shelters

Fraueninformationszentrum Stuttgart

Freundeskreis Asyl Karlsruhe e.V.

Hessischer Flüchtlingsrat (Refugee Coucil of Hesse) e.V.

JUMEN e.V. - Juristische Menschenrechtsarbeit in Deutschland

JUNO - eine Stimme für geflüchtete Frauen/JUNO - a voice for refugee women

KOK - Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.

Network against Trafficking in Human Beings (KOK e.V.)

NETZ für Selbstverwaltung und Selbstorganisation e.V.

Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge und Migrant_innen (KuB)


Pro Bleiberecht Rostock

Queer refugees support Hamburg

Refugee Council of Lower Saxony /Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen e.V.

Refugee council Saxony-Anhalt /Flüchtlingsrat Sachsen – Anhalt e.V.

Republikanischer Anwältinnen- und Anwälteverein e. V.

Sächsischer Flüchtlingsrat e.V. / Saxon Refugee Council


Terre des femmes – Menschenrechte für die Frau e.V.

Vereinigung Demokratischer Juristinnen und Juristen e.V. (VDJ)

Women in Exile and Friends, Brandenburg

XENION Psychosoziale Hilfen für politisch Verfolgte e.V.

Germany and Greece

Equal Rights Beyond Borders




Κέντρο Γυναικείων Μελετών και Ερευνών ‘Διοτίμα’ - Centre for Research on Women’s Issues ‘Diotima’

Κέντρο Έρευνας και Δράσης για

την Ειρήνη (ΚΕΔΕ) - Center of Research and Action for Peace (KEDE)

Ομάδα γυναικών του συλλόγου κοινωνικής και Πολιτιστικής Παρέμβασης "θρυαλλίδα" - Women Group of the Association of Social and Cultural Intervention "Thryallida"

Ομάδα ΛΟΑΤΚΙ+ Εργασιακής Υποστήριξης -— LGBTQI+ Employment Support Group

Ελληνικό Φόρουμ Μεταναστών- Greek Forum of Migrants

Ελληνικό Παρατηρητήριο των Συμφωνιών του Ελσίνκι- Greek Helsinki Monitor

Ελληνικό Συμβούλιο για τους Πρόσφυγες/Greek Council For Refugees

Δίκτυο για τα Πολιτικά και Κοινωνικά

Δικαιώματα- Network for Political and Social Rights

Ελληνικό Δίκτυο Κοινωνικής Υποστήριξης Προσφύγων και Μεταναστών- Network of Social Support for Refugees and Migrants

Φεστιβάλ Υπερηφάνειας Θεσσαλονίκης

Thessaloniki Pride Festival

Δίκτυο Οργάνωση Γυναικών Ευρώπης- Réseau des femmes grecques d'Europe

Samos LGBTQI+ Group, Samos Volunteers and Samos Advocacy

Οργάνωση Ενωμένων Γυναικών Αφρικής- United African Women Organization Greece

ΠΡΩΤΟΒΟΥΛΊΑ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΩΝ ΕΝΑΝΤΙΑ ΣΤΟ ΧΡΕΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΑ ΜΕΤΡΑ ΛΙΤΌΤΗΤΑΣ - ΧΩΡΟΣ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΩΝ - Women’s initiative against debt and austerity measures - Women’s solidarity venue

Σωματείο Γυναικείων Δικαιωμάτων «ΤΟ ΜΩΒ» "TO MOV" Women's Rights Association

Τομέας Ισότητας Φύλου & ΛΟΑΤΚΙ+ του Πολιτικού Κόμματος ΜέΡΑ25 - Secteur égalité de genre et LGBTQ+ du parti politique MERA 25

ΜΗΤΕΡΑΣ ΕΡΓΟΝ Σύλλογος Πολύτεκνων Μητέρων- Mother’s Work, Association of Multi-Children Families


ARCI Associazione di Promozione Sociale Roma

Association "Popoli in Arte" Sanremo

Associazione Albatros Laboratorio teatrale e Centro di Solidarietà - Alba (Cuneo)

ATTAC Imperia

Campagna LasciateCIEntrare

Casa delle Donne di Milano (Women's house of Milan)

Casa delle Donne Parma

Cisda (Cordinamento Italiano Sostegno Donne Afgane Onlus)

Cooperativa Giolli, Montechiarugolo (Parma) - Centro di Ricerche Teatro dell'Oppresso

Fucsia Teatro, IAM Intersectionalities and more - Bologna

Fuorimercato, autogestione in movimento

Il Deposito dei Segni - Pescara

La bottega del Barbieri, Imola, Bologna

Laboratorio Politico per un'altra città, Firenze

Libera Università delle Donne, Milano

NUDM La Spezia

NUDM Modena

NUDM Ponente Ligure

Re.Co.Sol (Reti Comuni Solidali), Chiaro Sasso

Réseau Sanremo Solidale Sanremo

Italy and Bosnia

Linea D'Ombra


Center Against Human Trafficking and Exploitation



Gambe - GRUPO de APOIO as mulheres no exterior

SAP Grenzeloos


Fondation Kazimierz Lyszczynski


A Coletiva



Kifkif, Migraciones y Refugio LGTBI+

Ca la Dona

Refugees Welcome España

Viento Sur



ADF Neuchâtel



Appartenances Genève


Association de médiatrices interculturelles (AMIC)

Association Découvrir

Association du Témoignage Chrétien


ATTAC Suisse

Be-Hôme Neuchâtel

Brava (anc. Terre des Femmes)


Caritas Genève

Carrefour Orientation Solidarité

CEFAM, centre d'accueil et d'intégration pour femmes migrantes et leurs enfants habitant Meyrin

Centre social protestant Genève

Commission fédérative Femmes SSP/VPOD

Commission femmes de l’Union syndicale suisse

Coordination asile.ge

DAO Dachorganisation der Frauenhäuser Schweiz und Liechtenstein

Droit de Rester VD, NE et FR


Ensemble à gauche

Femmes socialistes suisses

FIZ Centre d’assistance aux migrantes et aux victimes de la traite des femmes

Freiplatzaktion Basel - legal counseling center for refugees

Grève féministe suisse

Interaction en Suisse

Juristes démocrates de Suisse

L’AMAR – Lieu Autogéré Multiculturel d’Accueil et de Rencontres /Neuchâtel

La Roseraie

Le deuxième Observatoire


Les Scribes

Ligue des Droits de l'Homme

Marche mondiale des Femmes

Médecins du Monde

Schweizerische Beobachtungsstelle für Asyl- und Ausländerrecht (SBAA)
Observatoire suisse du droit d'asile et des étrangers (ODAE-Suisse)

Plateforme Traite



Rainbow Spot - Permanence LGBTIQ+ Asile-Migration (Vaud)


Résistons Genève

SAO Association for displaced women

Sexuelle Gesundheit Schweiz-Santé sexuelle Suisse

Solidarité avec les Femmes Tamils

Solidarité Femmes région Neuchâtel

Solidarité sans frontières

Solidarité Tattes

SolidaritéS CH

Solinetz Luzern

SOS Asile Vaud

Transgender Network Switzerland




Vivre Ensemble


AĞ-DA Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Dayanışma Ağı

Antalya Kadın Danışma Merkezi ve Dayanışma Derneği

Aramızda Gender Studies Association

Cinsel Şiddetle Mücadele Derneği / Association for Struggle Against Sexual Violence

Dünya Kadın Yürüyüşü Türkiye Koordinasyonu

Eşitlik İçin Kadın Platformu (EŞİK)

Göç İzleme Derneği

Kadın Gözüyle

KAOS Gay Lesbien Association

SES Eşitlik ve Dayanışma Derneği


Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Rights